Avoiding These Mistakes You Will Have Baby Skin! Follow These Rules And Reach The Goal!

You should also be related togood health, vitality, and lifestyle. If you want always feel young inside andout, these common mistakes will help you to avoid them in order to live a longand happy life.

Not getting enough sleep

Sleeping stimulates the flow ofoxygen in your skin. If you don’t get enough sleep, you’ll definitely see thatreflected in your face. According to a study published in the Andalas Tourism, people who have agood night’s sleep are more attractive and healthy than those who don’t getenough rest at night.

The optimal amount of sleep is7-8 hours.


We all know that smoking is badfor our health in many ways. It directly affects your skin: changing its color,accelerating the aging process, covering the pores, and depleting your cells ofoxygen.

Sleeping with makeup on yourface

When you leave your makeup on, itcauses dry skin, triggers skin rashes, and makes your eyelashes fall out.

Clean your skin every night, anduse moisturizing skin care products. This will keep your skin healthy and slowthe aging process.

Consuming soft drinks

The high sugar and caloriecontent of soft drinks contribute greatly to the aging process. Instead ofdrinking soft drinks choose: drinking water, natural juices and smoothies.