Try Homemade Facial Masks For Glowing Skin
Various kinds of facial masks are available in the market at different prices. If you have time at home then making facial masks at home is a good idea and this will save your money and you will get the natural mask with no adulterants.
The facial masks can be made easily with some easily available things at home.
Now Tips Kecantikan will explain different masks for different types of skin:
For preparing home made facial masks, you can use apricot, papaya, banana, eggs, honey, milk cream and olive oil.
The most common facial mask that can be applied to any type of skin is mix half piece of lemon juice with egg. White. Apply it till it becomes dry. Rinse it with warm water.This will give your face a glowing look.
The apricot facial scrub is used on dry skin. For this, Mash one apricot in a bowl and add a teaspoon of live oil to it. Apply it on your face. Rinse thoroughly with warm water when it becomes dry. Then mix a spoon of butter and water and apply it on dead skin of your face. Leave it for 15-20 minutes. Wash your face with cold water. The dryness will be minimized on your face by doing this.
The apricot facial scrub added with a lemon and egg is god for oily skin. You can also add a spoon of yeast and plain yoghurt. Apply the mixture on your face for 15-20minutes and then wash you face with warm water first then wash with cold water so that skin pores get closed.
Strawberry cream honey mask is also very helpful in extracting excess oil from your face. Mix five ripe strawberries with a spoon of honey and milk cream. Allow it to dry for 20-30 minutes. Wash with warm water. Only honey facial mask can also be used on oily skins. Wash your face with warm water and then apply honey and allow it to dry. Rinse your face with warm water. Later on use cold water so that skin pores get closed
Papaya masks prove useful for exfoliating skin. The papaya mask help in removing the dead skin cells from your face. To make the papaya mask, peel the papaya, remove the seeds from it and mix it well with a blender to make a paste and apply it on your face. Leave it for 15 minutes or till it becomes dry. Wash your face with warm water. Apply moistures on your face after washing your face.
These masks are very easy to make and the ingredients are also available easily at your home. So spare some time to make it and get glow on your skin.